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Wi-Fi / Smart Thermostats in Cumming, GA

Don’t Go Nuts - Call Cheeky! 770-888-8788

What if we told you the brain of your HVAC system isn’t allowing it to work as efficiently and cost-effectively as it’s meant to? We take a comprehensive approach to HVAC service needs, including looking at the performance and functionality of your thermostat—the brain of the system. That’s why it makes sense to make a “smart” upgrade to a smart thermostat.

  • We believe in a “Team First and Honesty Always” policy.
  • We “think twice and act once”
  • We always do what’s right!

Wi-Fi/Smart thermostats allow customers to have ultimate control over their cooling and heating preferences. They can “learn” your home comfort preferences and adjust your HVAC system accordingly.

Don't Go Nuts—Call Cheeky! Contact us today for exceptional Wi-Fi/Smart thermostat installations and repairs.


The Superior Thermostat Choice

Why do we recommend a Wi-Fi thermostat installation? Because your thermostat is the brain of your HVAC system, and if it’s not sending the right signals, you could be cooling and heating your home inefficiently, and paying more than you should have to as a result. You may have already upgraded to a digital or basic programmable thermostat already within the last decade, and that’s great! A Wi-Fi thermostat replacement will offer you even more.

WiFi thermostats allow you to remotely control your HVAC systems and other home components through an app on your phone. Additionally, it "learns" from your cooling and heating habits, and is able to adjust accordingly on its own, saving you money and saving you time since you don’t have to constantly adjust the thermostat yourself.

Why a Basic Thermostat Just Won’t Do

The most basic thermostats still in some Cumming, GA homes are just on-off switches that signal your AC and heating systems once the temperature in your home has reached a certain point. More advanced thermostats with programmability or wireless features can let you enjoy uninterrupted comfort, and the Wi-Fi thermostat takes it even a step further.

These smart thermostats allow you to get automated reports about any operational issues, adjust programs and operating schedules no matter where you are, and depending on the model can even allow you to use other automated features to set reminders, make lists, and more. A Wi-Fi thermostat replacement is a great way to utilize technology in your home in order to save time and money!

Turn to Us for Wi-Fi Thermostat Repair

Wi-Fi thermostats are much sturdier and more reliable than their manual or even digital counterparts. But just like any other electrical component, they are not immune to problems. If your Wi-Fi thermostat is off in its readings, seems to be miscalibrated, or shows a blank screen when it should be operating just fine, then contact our team for expert WiFi thermostat repair.

In some cases, an apparent problem with your HVAC system may not be an issue with the system at all, but rather the thermostat. The only way to know for sure is to contact the pros!

How Can We Help You?
Or Call phone icon770-888-8788

Serving North Georgia Since 1997