Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for June, 2019

Yes, You Can Boost AC Efficiency Yourself!

Monday, June 17th, 2019

There aren’t a lot of things HVAC pros will tell you that you can do yourself when it comes to servicing your comfort control system. And the fact of the matter is that for big repairs, this is mostly true—particularly since there are some components of HVAC systems that professionals need special training and licensing for. This includes substances like refrigerant and natural gas, in the case of a furnace.

That said, professional maintenance is important. In fact, it is vital to the overall performance and efficiency of your air conditioner. It allows our technicians to thoroughly inspect your air conditioner for problems, anything that needs adjusting, and anything that needs to be cleaned. It also allows you to get repairs on your schedule right away so they don’t turn into bigger emergencies later on down the line. But, back to how you can boost efficiency by yourself…

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“Is It Too Late to Tune-Up my AC for Summer?”

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

Temperatures are already soaring, and you just noticed that you forgot to arrange for your next air conditioning maintenance appointment. But maybe you can skip it, just this one year? It’s probably too late to have it done now anyway, right?

Not quite! In the absence of a total system breakdown, it’s never actually too late to get your air conditioner tuned-up. This is truly a case of “it’s better late than never.” Plus, there are benefits to joining our maintenance plan, which we’ll elaborate on below.

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