Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plumbing’

What Are the Worst Ways to Use My Plumbing System?

Monday, June 13th, 2022

When it comes to systems within your house that make your life more convenient, modern plumbing is at the top of the list. Unfortunately, however, we don’t always treat our home plumbing systems the way we should.

Nobody is to blame here! Chances are you’re doing things you thought were perfectly fine, but can actually be quite harmful to the pipes running through your home, underground and behind drywall.

While this line of thinking can lead to leaks and other plumbing repair needs, not all is lost. After all, you’ve found this blog post! So while you might not have directly asked how you could use your plumbing system in the worst ways, you’ll get some answers anyway. Read on!

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Why You Need a Professional for That Drain Clog

Monday, April 18th, 2022

Blurp. Blurp. Blurp. 

Bubbles rise slowly to the top of the pooled water above a clogged drain to burst defiantly in your face. Stopped-up drains are a huge pain in the neck, especially the ones that are almost completely sealed off. It can feel like a Herculean effort to get it cleared out again.

To save money, many people turn to commercial drain cleaners or DIY solutions to clear the drain. However, some of these methods do more harm than good and some just plain won’t work. 

Sometimes, the only good way to clear a drain is to call a professional for help. Check out the main reasons why you need a professional to clear out your clogged drain.

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How To Prevent Plumbing Leaks

Monday, March 7th, 2022

One of the most annoying, and yet most common, problems that homeowners face is that of plumbing leaks.

There probably isn’t a homeowner in the area that hasn’t had to deal with at least one minor leak, even if it’s just a drippy sink faucet. This may leave you wondering, though, can you ever prevent a plumbing leak? And if so, how?

Well first, scheduling routine plumbing maintenance so that our professionals can inspect your pipes and make sure they’re in good shape is a great first start. Next, it’s best to avoid chemical drain cleaners… these are actually quite caustic and can eat away at the lining of your pipes, ultimately doing more harm than good.

You may still deal with a leak here or there due to wear and tear, but at least you can try your best to avoid some of the most popular leaks such as…

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Signs That It Could Be Time for Repiping

Monday, December 13th, 2021

There’s a component of your home that you rely on each and every day, but probably don’t give a whole lot of thought to–your plumbing system! You rely on it for hot water to bathe with, cook with, clean with, and water to nourish your yard and houseplants.

But what if your pipes are old? Could this cause problems? Yup, it certainly can! Aging pipes are prone to pinhole leaks and corrosion. Sometimes, whole-house repiping is necessary to get this system back in good shape. Read on to find out if it might be time for repiping in your home!

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How to Avoid a Kitchen Plumbing Mishap this Holiday Season

Monday, November 1st, 2021

It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is upon us, but here we are! Soon enough you’ll be making plans to have family over for Thanksgiving and whatever other holiday festivities you decide to have this year.

There’s one thing you should know–the holiday season is actually when we receive the most calls for plumbing services, usually dealing with clogged drains, jammed up garbage disposal systems, overwhelmed water heaters, and clogged bathroom plumbing.

For the purpose of this blog post, we’re going to talk about your kitchen plumbing in particular. Please be sure to read this before proceeding with cooking your next big meal!

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Do You Have a Plumbing Leak?

Monday, May 17th, 2021

As unfortunate as this might be, plumbing problems are notoriously difficult to detect without the right professional equipment or experience. Most of your plumbing system is hidden from view, after all, and the issues that can afflict it like to start off small and subtle. For this reason, we recommend that you have preventive plumbing maintenance done at least once a year. However, it’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the warning signs that something is amiss with your plumbing system.

And in the rare case that a problem does happen between maintenance sessions, you’ll be able to detect it quickly and call our professional plumbers for repair. Read on to learn what the signs of a plumbing leak are, then give us a call to fix them!

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The Importance of Professional Drain Cleaning

Monday, March 8th, 2021

When you have a drain clog in your home, what’s the easiest way to deal with it? If you’re like most people, your answer might be, “with store-bought liquid drain cleaner that I keep under the sink.”

This is a “quick fix” and we understand the temptation to use it. Buuuut, we have to urge against it. There are a lot of problems with these store-bought “solutions,” which we’re going to get into below. The fact of the matter is, if you have a drain clog then the best thing you can do is call in the professionals for a fix. It won’t be as “quick” but it will be effective. Read on to learn why this is the better option.

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How You Can Avoid Clogged Drains

Monday, September 21st, 2020

If someone were to ask you what the number one plumbing problem homeowners face is, what would you say? We would say clogged drains. That is certainly what we get called for the most!

Of course, you might be wondering why we get called for this—can’t you just use some store-bought chemical drain cleaners and call it a day?

Well, you could, but you will regret it. Sure, it may eat through whatever is clogging your drain, but it doesn’t remove the clog nor is it that great for your plumbing pipes, either! In fact, it will build up on the lining of your pipes and over time, eat through them. But while store-bought drain cleaners aren’t the answer, you can avoid clogged drains to begin with! Read on to learn how.

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How to Best Prevent Clogged Drains

Monday, January 13th, 2020

Do you have your drains routinely cleaned? If not, you should be! Our plumbers will come to your home and use the best in currently technology, such as hydro-jetting technology, to comprehensively clean out the drainpipes throughout your home. This removes the buildup that leads to frequent slow drains and clogs, and also helps prevent pipes from suffering other damage as well.

“But wait,” you might be wondering, “can’t I just use liquid drain cleaner I bought at the store to treat clogs?”

You can, but this would only provide a temporary solution to the problem, and these drain cleaning chemicals are so caustic that they could be harmful to you and are definitely—perhaps even ironically—harmful to your pipes. The corrosive chemicals cause corrosion, leading to premature pipe replacement. The best thing to do is invest in routine drain cleaning, and also to know how to prevent clogs from forming to begin with, which we’ve delved into below.

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7 Ideas To Save On Your Water Bill (And Use Less Water)

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

You already know how important it is that we all try to reduce our use of water. Our planet’s future depends on it! And, there are so many practical and surprisingly easy ways for us to do that.

So, here are seven really practical ways for you to conserve water in your home…

1. Monitor your water bills

Check your water bill each month and if it goes up try to figure out if there’s a good reason (filling the swimming pool). If it spikes and you don’t know why, you probably have a leak somewhere.

Seriously, the average home wastes more than 10,000 gallons of water a year from easily fixable plumbing leaks. It’s worth it to bring in a plumber if you suspect you have a leak but cannot find it.

2. Use the water meter to check for hidden water leaks

Go read your water meter and write down the number. Stop using water for two hours. Then go back to the meter. If it’s not at the exact same number, there’s a water leak in your house. If you can’t find it, call your home services company to send out a plumber.

3. Use every drop

Find ways to repurpose water so it doesn’t just go down the drain. For example, when you boil potatoes or pasta, pour that water through a colander and into another pot to capture the hot water. After it’s cooled, this water can be used for your household plants. You can do something similar whenever you run the tap and wait for hot water.

4. Use your dishwasher more

You might be surprised, but as it turns out washing dishes by hand uses a lot more water than running the dishwasher, and even more so if you have a newer more water-efficient model. Newer dishwashers will also adjust to use less water for smaller loads. (If you don’t have a newer dishwasher, see #7.)

5. Run full loads in your washing machine

You can adjust water levels to match the size of your load, but it’s even more water-efficient to run larger loads in your washing machine.

6. Cover your swimming pool

It takes a lot of water to fill your swimming pool and to keep it filled. In the summer sun, pools can lose an inch or more of water each week to evaporation. Getting a cover for your pool can save thousands of gallons of water each season. Make it a solar blanket and you can also reduce your heating cost. But this only works if you’re diligent about covering the pool when it’s not in use.

7. Install a new dishwasher

Newer dishwashers use as little as four to seven gallons per load—again that’s a lot less than washing by hand and much less than older dishwashers.


If we all work on conserving water, we can make a big difference. While taking these practical steps, be sure to contact a home services company if you need help finding a water leak or installing a new dishwasher.

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