Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for July, 2020

Can Drain Clogs Be Prevented?

Monday, July 27th, 2020

If there’s anything that’s more frustrating than a drain clog that stops whatever you’re doing–whether it’s taking a shower, cleaning up after cooking, or even trying to use your sprinkler system outside–we’re not sure what it is!

But it’s pretty much inevitable that every homeowner will deal with a drain clog at some point–unless of course, they take preventive measures to avoid them! But what are these measures exactly? Read on to find out!

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4 Tips to Save Money and Energy on Water Heater Use

Monday, July 13th, 2020

When you think about everything you have to do to maintain a clean, comfortable, and efficient home, you probably don’t think much about your water heater—even though this system is one you use every single day, no matter the time of year. The fact is, you could potentially waste a lot of energy by not properly caring for your water heater, no matter what type you have. The good news is, we’re here with some tips on how to actually save energy—and subsequently, money—on your water heater use! Read on as we uncover some of our top tips.

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