Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for March, 2022

How to Detect Plumbing Leaks

Monday, March 21st, 2022

In our previous blog post, we went over an essential method to prevent plumbing leaks–routine plumbing maintenance. Still though, even with diligent care, there’s still a chance you can experience leaks between routine plumbing maintenance sessions. This week, we’re going to talk about how to find out if you already have a plumbing leak.

Knowing these signs can help you mitigate a much bigger problem–after all, leaks can be silent for a long time before you even notice the damage they’ve caused. Read on to learn more!

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How To Prevent Plumbing Leaks

Monday, March 7th, 2022

One of the most annoying, and yet most common, problems that homeowners face is that of plumbing leaks.

There probably isn’t a homeowner in the area that hasn’t had to deal with at least one minor leak, even if it’s just a drippy sink faucet. This may leave you wondering, though, can you ever prevent a plumbing leak? And if so, how?

Well first, scheduling routine plumbing maintenance so that our professionals can inspect your pipes and make sure they’re in good shape is a great first start. Next, it’s best to avoid chemical drain cleaners… these are actually quite caustic and can eat away at the lining of your pipes, ultimately doing more harm than good.

You may still deal with a leak here or there due to wear and tear, but at least you can try your best to avoid some of the most popular leaks such as…

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