Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for July, 2022

AC Installation: Why Size Matters

Monday, July 25th, 2022

Summer is progressing right along, and we’re dealing with hot temperatures daily. If you’ve lived in this area for even just a year, you know just how uncomfortable it can be when temperatures soar to their highest. This means that if you’re looking for an AC installation right now, you’re likely in a hurry to get a new one, right?

We understand that sense of urgency, but we really encourage our customers to slow down and make their decisions about home comfort carefully. Failing to do so can leave you with an inefficient and ineffective solution for your home cooling.

One component of this is sizing. We’re not talking about the volume of the air conditioner itself, but rather how many “tons” of cooling it can handle (that is, how many tons of ice would be melted by the heat drawn out of your home per hour–which is measured in British Thermal Units–BTUs). An “oversized” system can be just as detrimental to your comfort and home efficiency as an undersized one. Read on to learn more about this.

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Signs That It’s Time to Call a Plumber

Monday, July 11th, 2022

In some situations, plumbing problems seem like a quick fix; however, when you wind up in ankle-high water, you may wonder what happened. Rather than trying to tackle plumbing issues on your own, it’s best to contact us for professional plumbing service in Woodstock GA.

If you are like most homeowners, you probably want to ensure the services of a plumber are really needed before calling for this service. Keep reading to learn some of the tell-tale signs you need to call a plumber. 

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