Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for February, 2023

How to Tell If Your Commercial Property Needs a Better Heater

Monday, February 20th, 2023

Keeping indoor spaces at a comfortable temperature for the people who use them is obviously important. When it comes to commercial properties, there can be factors beyond comfort that you should consider. For example, if it’s uncomfortably cold for customers at the businesses in your building, they won’t want to spend much time (or money) there. 

As the winter begins to wind down, it’s a good time to evaluate how your commercial building’s heating system has been working. It might be better to start planning for a replacement now, so you don’t end up with an emergency situation next winter. Here are some signs that it might be time to consider getting a new heater.

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Sounds Your Heater Should (and Shouldn’t) Make

Monday, February 6th, 2023

Your heater can’t use words to tell you something is wrong, but it can and does exhibit a variety of sounds when problems occur. If you listen and become familiar with the usual sounds your heater makes, it will be easy to pick up on changes and notice new, problematic noises.

What sounds does a happy heater make? What sounds indicate a problem, and can they give hints about what that problem is? How can you tell when it’s time for repairs? We’ve got answers to all those questions.

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