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What a Water Purifier Does


The human body is 60% water. Even more for an infant: 75% of their little bodies are made of water! And one of the easiest and most effective things you can do to keep your body healthy is to drink plenty of water.

But where is that water coming from? Is there anything in it that shouldn’t be there? What can you do to make sure your home’s water is as pure and safe as possible? A UV water purifier is a great option. If you don’t know much about them, we’d like to share some information.

Contaminants in Water

While municipal water systems are regulated and do try to keep contaminant levels low, there is always some risk. And once the water leaves the municipal system, it can be contaminated on its way to your home. Well water, of course, is a different story: there’s no regulatory agency making sure it’s uncontaminated. And much of the contamination that is found in drinking water is bacterial.

A major source of water contamination is human and animal waste. This could occur from agricultural operations near your home, leaking sewage pipes, or other sources. Human and animal waste cause water to be contaminated with cryptosporidium, giardia, and E. coli, posing a risk of gastrointestinal illness with symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. Legionella is another bacterium found naturally in water, and when levels get too high, it can cause Legionnaires Disease, a form of pneumonia. 

Contaminated water is of particular concern to people with chronic illness or suppressed immune systems. But it’s also very critical for children to avoid exposure to these bacteria. While an adult with diarrhea might have a very unpleasant experience, it can be fatal to infants and young children, who become dehydrated much more quickly.

How UV Light Sanitizes Water

Ultraviolet light has been used for many decades to decontaminate many things, from air to surgical instruments. Because it uses no chemicals, it is extremely safe. The frequency of specific wavelengths of light can cause damage to vulnerable single-celled organisms like bacteria.

When your drinking water passes through this light, the chemical bonds holding the cells together come undone, rendering them incapable of reproducing or infecting anyone. This prevents all kinds of illness from salmonella to fungal infections. It does not remove minerals, many of which can be beneficial to your health, from the water. 

Other Ways to Sanitize Water

The other option for killing bacteria in water is chlorine. This is a powerful chemical that leaves a noticeable taste in the water. And there are some organisms, such as protozoa, that are resistant to chlorine. Because UV water purification doesn’t put any chemicals into the water, doesn’t leave a taste, and is effective at killing protozoa, some wastewater treatment plants have transitioned to using this system instead of chlorine.

We would be happy to answer any questions you have about whether a UV water purifier in Alpharetta, GA would be the right choice for your home.

To speak with a member of our team, contact DC Cheek Heating, Cooling & Plumbing today. Fixed, At the Speed of Life!

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