Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘leak repair’

How Professionals Handle Leak Detection

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

We’re sure everyone will agree with us that indoor plumbing is useful. You certainly wouldn’t want to do without it! But you’ll also agree that it isn’t exactly beautiful. That’s why most of your pipes are tucked away out of sight. They’re between ceilings and floors, they’re behind walls, and in some cases, they’re underneath the foundation of your house.

Now, while you wouldn’t want to have to look at your home’s plumbing all the time, having it hidden from view does pose a bit of a challenge. What if something goes wrong? If there’s a leak in a pipe somewhere, how can you tell? Detecting leaks and pinpointing their sources requires skilled professionals with high-tech equipment.

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