Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for May, 2021

Do You Have a Plumbing Leak?

Monday, May 17th, 2021

As unfortunate as this might be, plumbing problems are notoriously difficult to detect without the right professional equipment or experience. Most of your plumbing system is hidden from view, after all, and the issues that can afflict it like to start off small and subtle. For this reason, we recommend that you have preventive plumbing maintenance done at least once a year. However, it’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the warning signs that something is amiss with your plumbing system.

And in the rare case that a problem does happen between maintenance sessions, you’ll be able to detect it quickly and call our professional plumbers for repair. Read on to learn what the signs of a plumbing leak are, then give us a call to fix them!

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Have You Scheduled Your AC Tune-Up Yet?

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

It makes sense that you might hesitate when you hear an HVAC professional recommend a service for your air conditioner that you don’t necessarily need right at this moment. And maintenance is one of those perceived services. What if your air conditioner is working just fine? Is it really worth paying for an extra service?

Well first off, your air conditioner should perform much better than “just fine.” Secondly, you wouldn’t think of skipping maintenance for your car, right? You wouldn’t be able to rely on it very much after all. You’d probably be too nervous to drive it much. We don’t want you to be nervous about using your air conditioner! Especially when summer hits and you need that system on a daily basis.

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