Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for June, 2022

4 Indications That Your AC Needs Help

Monday, June 27th, 2022

Having your air conditioner repaired when it needs it is one of those services you don’t really want to wait to have done. We understand the hesitation, and the temptation to let it go for now. After all, if the system is running, it’s really not a big deal, right?

Unfortunately, ignoring repair needs risks your AC system completely breaking down on you when you need it the most—in the middle of summer. We encourage our customers to take care of their cooling systems as soon as they realize they need a repair. But how do you know when this is actually the case?

You aren’t an air conditioner expert; that’s what we are here for. Fortunately, we can share some basics with you. If you notice any of the following four indications that your air conditioner is in need of professional repair, please give us a call!

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What Are the Worst Ways to Use My Plumbing System?

Monday, June 13th, 2022

When it comes to systems within your house that make your life more convenient, modern plumbing is at the top of the list. Unfortunately, however, we don’t always treat our home plumbing systems the way we should.

Nobody is to blame here! Chances are you’re doing things you thought were perfectly fine, but can actually be quite harmful to the pipes running through your home, underground and behind drywall.

While this line of thinking can lead to leaks and other plumbing repair needs, not all is lost. After all, you’ve found this blog post! So while you might not have directly asked how you could use your plumbing system in the worst ways, you’ll get some answers anyway. Read on!

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